X-SID logo
Posted in Commodore 64 and Graphics. - No comments

A simple logo created for Jeff’s music editor X-SID . It was one of the first things I did following my return to the scene.
Jeff suggested that hi-res might be nice and historically I’ve not played with hi-res much at all. So, I decided to try and do a simple logo using just hi-res characters and hi-res sprite overlays. The only problem was that I had no idea what I was going to use to do it.
My Crap Game Competition entry
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Here’s my 2006 Crap Game Competition entry “Sheep Toss”. It’s the first piece of coding I’ve released since I put Paradise’91 together while staying at Deek’s house in Glasgow.
I had lots of plans for this game, including power-ups, extra health, the effect of wind, even killer sheep poo! However, there was a competition deadline which mean that having left everything to the last minute as usual, I didn’t have time to add any of the “fun stuff!”
Grandma has gone fishing
Posted in Commodore 64 and Graphics. - No comments

A new release, just weeks after my X2006 entry! What’s going on!
All is not what it seems. This picture was started over a year ago and has become a bit of a millstone around my neck. It’s one of those pictures that started well, seemed to be going ok and then didn’t quite turn our as well as you’d hoped.
Wool on her mind
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Here’s my entry for X2006. I’m really pleased to be able to say that it came #2 – I’m really chuffed with that. It’s a plain multi-colour bitmap which really pushed my abilities to the limit. On a number of occasions I almost gave up trying to battle the attribute clash, flip the picture and convert it to FLI.
The picture was named by Jeff, so you can blame his deranged mind if you don’t get the meaning! Thanks must also go to Mirage for all the encouragement (nagging) that ensured that the picture was ready in time for the compo.
Posted in Commodore 64 and Graphics. - No comments

This started life as a simple little doodle and went from there. As such, there is much about the picture that I’m unhappy with. At least it shows that I’ve been doing something and not just being an idle bastard! The face in the pic is that of my son Harry who, it must be said, doesn’t have tentacles growing out of his head.
The CSDb entry can be found here.