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Wool on her mind - workstages

Wool on her mind -  workstages

Back in October last year I entered the graphics competition at X2006 with the picture “
Wool on her mind

This animation shows workstages involved in creating the image which may be of interest to one or two people.

The image was created on a PC using Pro Motion which should explain the odd hi-res pixel that pops up from time to time! I’m sure the purists out there won’t be happy, but using the “real thing” isn’t an option at the moment – there just isn’t enough room to have the 64 set up. It’s funny though, as I still miss my Neos Mouse and Wigmore Artist on the 64! It would be interesting to see how easy it would be to use them to create a picture today – I’m guessing that it would all seem very slow!

For whatever reason, since doing this picture I’ve just not had the motivation or enthusiasm to do another. I’ve got a folder of half started images and a long list of things that I rashly promised to do for people!

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